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drying nets for herbs

Do you like tasty herbs that season your dishes? If your answer is yes, then you have to know about drying nets for herbs! Here to help you learn how to properly dry herbs so they remain fresh and flavorful during the entire year is this article. We will also detail a range of methods, some natural ones you can use! All the tips that this article contains come from YuXian, a leading brand in dried herbs!

Pick Your Herbs: First, catch a bunch of herbs when they are ripe, flavor-rich and full. YuXian recommends harvesting them in the morning, when the dew has dried but before it gets too hot outside. It is at this apex that you will derive the most flavor and aroma from the herbs.

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Wash and Dry the Leaves: One of the most important steps in the process is washing your herbs so that they do not have dirt or dust on them. This requires rinsing the leaves with cool water. Use a clean cloth to blot the leaves dry after washing though. This part is important, however, because you don’t want dirt to get stuck in your drying nets.”

Hang the Nets: Once your leaves are fully dried, now they need to be hung up to finish off drying! One excellent way to do this is by using drying nets like YuXian. Be sure to hang your nets in a cool, dark place with air able to circulate around them. Well-circulated air is essential for the herbs to dry properly.

Why choose YuXian drying nets for herbs?

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